Mimi sijawahiona chenye niliona hii wiki,mimi sasa ni ndume.My wife has been complaining that I don’t perform in bed, she even started abusing me and calling me names. I have been suffering since 2012, I lost my self-esteem and even my performance at work fell drastically.

Last year I went to a doctor to confirm my problem only for him to tell me that my body is okay but I need to eat more energy foods and reduce stress. I took his advice. However, after 6 months of trying the foods he advised me to eat and even the drugs he gave me, still I couldn’t perform.

Since the doctor’s solution wasn’t the best, I decided to go for traditional drugs. I asked several friends whether they know any traditional doctor who can cure nguvu za wanaume, luckily, Njogu referred me to Dr Mugwenu who operates from Nairobi and Kakamega.I took his details, which are:

Phone number:  +254740637248

Email address: [email protected]

Website  www.mugwenudoctors.com.

I called him to confirm what my friend had told me. After a long discussion, I booked an appointment.

I didn’t have free time, I had to book last week Saturday. Early in the morning, I called him to ask for direction to his office. By 10 a.m I was there.

After 30 minutes of explaining my problem, he gave me some concoction in a cup to drink, he also gave me some concoction in a jerrican, it was 5 litres. I went home hoping that this time my wife will respect me.

That first night I chest thumped. I drank a full cup of the drug and waited for something to happen, I didn’t tell my wife I had done something strange, I wanted her to feel it for the first time.

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Two minutes in bed, my neighbours heard this,” Kwani ni Mugombero Ulikula,ni nono na ndefu aje leo”.As the screams became loud, I shouted,”huyu ndio mimi sasa”.

I usually take less than 3 minutes but this time, alipiga nduru for 1 hour,I felt like I am a man again.

Since then I have been taking the drug.I stopped taking it on Tuesday  and even when I don’t take it, I have maximum energy. I am grateful for Dr Mugwenu.

If you also have the same problem, don’t go for a temporary solution, call Dr Mugwenu and have a drug that cleans your veins and arteries so as blood can flow perfectly.Mugwenu’s number is +254740637248